Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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“Telecomputer Shipping ERP System”  Planned Maintenance  Module allows you to organize all the maintenance and repair works needed to be done at the vessel periodically or ad-hoc. The PMS Module supports the whole life cycle of the activities as job definition, Task monitoring, material planning and used, job execution and history. Is an intuitive and easy-to-use software solution for crews and onshore technical inspectors. Tasks History, correlated documents, spare parts used/needed measurements and other information are easily transferred to the central database onshore and reverse. Both onshore and onboard data bases are synchronize at any time in the day with result all the information to be available for decisions in both sides. It is supported by our correlated document management system for exchange Forms (Word , Excel, Infopath , Images, PDF, Videos etc.) between Office and Vessel and reverse.

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