Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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The purpose of this module is to define the Hazard for the operations that will take place on the vessel or in the office. A matrix can be defined and created by the company and can easily be changed in each company revision. A library with hazards is created for any operation which can be retrieved and be printed easily during the action of the operation. For each operation specific documents that supports the case can be attached. Reassessment of hazard can be done by the responsible person and the previous version is kept for historical purpose or for reevaluation. A responsible person approves and activates the risk assessment Task. The entire hazard library can be distributed to all fleet through our synchronization system. Operation with Hazards can link automatically to our PMS module during the task execution by notification to the user to take the hazard Operation into consideration. Predefined reports are produced providing information about status of risk evaluation and statistics per operation, risk level etc.

A lot of predefined KPI’s reports have been produced. The system is flexible for Customized reports.
The Module is a part of “Telecomputer Shipping ERP System” and is integrated with all relative Information of all ERP

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Developed by Mavroudi
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